Dominique de Vries Master's student in medicine
‘Never before had my goal of becoming a doctor been so crystal clear’
'Even though I’d imagined what it would be like a thousand times, nothing prepared me for that bizarre moment at Schiphol Airport when you’ve hugged all your family and friends and walk (with your stethoscope in your suitcase) to the plane all alone.'
It was three years ago that I got an email saying I could submit the start date of my clerkship. Great, but also a bit scary. Full-time work, real patients, new faces, new hospitals.
I was browsing through the dates when the option of doing a clerkship abroad caught my eye. I had always loved vacations and traveling, but I’d never been away from home for more than a month and never by myself. Could it be for me, spending three months abroad? Absolutely! But to go there to work in a hospital, with a different language, a different culture and among strangers? I really had no idea. But I knew that if I didn't try it, I'd never know.
Thinking ‘why the hell not?’, I signed up for gynecology and pediatrics in Aruba. And when I submitted my application, I realized that I had just made the clerkships that I already found a bit scary even more so.
Ultimately, my clerkships in the Netherlands went really well and were easier than I had anticipated; meanwhile, my trip to Aruba was getting closer and closer. I took on extra shifts at work to save up money, I took a course in Papiamento; and finally it was time to pack my suitcase. Even though I’d imagined what it would be like a thousand times, nothing prepared me for that bizarre moment at Schiphol Airport when you’ve hugged all your family and friends and walk (with your stethoscope in your suitcase) to the plane all alone. I sat through the entire flight with a big smile on my face and I could have cried with joy when I landed on that beautiful island which would be my home for the next three months.
I had a great time, I learned a lot, I witnessed intense situations in the hospital, where I discovered that I can handle a lot more than I thought I could. I learned a whole new language, I made new friends, I danced, laughed, spent my free time time in the sun, and learned to windsurf.
In addition, when you're away from it all for a while, suddenly you get a very clear view of your own life. The chaos in which you sometimes find yourself is suddenly no longer chaos, and my goal to become a doctor had never been so crystal clear. I never regretted my decision even for a second, and I encourage everyone to do a clerkship abroad. I'll even be traveling abroad again this year to do my senior clerkship in surgery in Suriname. I can't wait.
Dominique de Vries,
Master's student in medicine
'When I submitted my application, I realized that I had just made the clerkships that I already found a bit scary even more so.'
'I never regretted my decision even for a second, and I encourage everyone to do a clerkship abroad.'